Here we go again

So once again, I let life get ahold of my and take me away from my photography. That's not a very good excuse for me to not post, but it's the one I'm making anyway. The weather has been lousy (still is), I've been busy (work, school, husband, father), not to mention I've recently been through a move across town also. Things are starting to somewhat slowdown, and I am thinking this means I should be able to shoot and post more. That's the plan anyway. Besides, here in Sitka, we're running into some exciting times. Summer is on it's way, and that means all sorts of wildlife. Eagles, deer, bears, sea lions, whales, you name it. The herring fishery has been on 2 hour notice since last Friday, and I hope that means I'll get a chance to shoot some of it this year.

I have a lot of unprocessed images on my hard drive at the moment, and the plan is to go through some of those and see if I have anything worth posting. If I do, I will get those posted soon. Since this is a photoblog, I'd like to actually post photography, and not just words. I'll also be getting out to shoot a lot more often as well. So expect to see more. In the mean time, let me post one of the last images I took that I processed.

First of all, the settings. I was on O'Connell bridge, which links Sitka with Japonski island. I was on a tripod, mirror lockup, with a remote shutter release. ISO 200, shutter 1/40, and aperture f/16. This was taken New Years Day 2010. The moon is actually about to drop below the horizon and is the remnants of the blue moon on New Years eve. I was inspired by this shot because I had driven over the bridge the day before (driving to work) and I saw about 40 photographers on the bridge snapping shots at about 7:30am. The moon was bright orange and was absolutely stunning. I was kicking myself because I didn't have my equipment, and didn't have the opportunity to go out there anyway that day. So I went out the next day, and I was the only one on the bridge. Although I didn't see an orange moon, this shot turned out better than I expected. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.


Tim@Myfotoguy said...

Hi, I found you through TPF.
Nice shot! I can relate to not having the equipment with. As a husband and father I find it hard to find time, but have been trying to come up with more creative ways to make the time and not ignore everything else. One step is I'm going to start taking my camera with me to work. I suppose it would be a good idea to leave the tripod in the vehicle too so I have it handy.

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